Digital Signage in connection with modern ticketing solutions


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Together with komma,tec redaction, Beckerbillett presents the topic "Digital Signage in connection with modern ticketing solutions". You will learn more about how important well-designed communication "on demand" can be - and how you can not only inform your customers via digital signage - but also retain them in the long term.


MUTEC-Forum, Hall 2

Language German

  • 0 Days
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Modern ticketing solutions include various interfaces that make successful visitor management possible. With the interface to digital welcome displays in the entrance area, you can address guests individually, provide them with initial information and thus leave a positive first impression. In addition, the systems can be linked intelligently and offer quick orientation for the visitor by means of information text or image message.

Customer communication and customer loyalty have never been so important. Christoph Immel, together with Daniel Parchmann (komma,tec redaction), uses the example of "Ruhr Museum/Zeche Zollverein in Essen" to present the opportunities that "digital signage in combination with modern ticketing solutions" offer museums and cultural institutions.


Christoph Immel
Beckerbillett GmbH
Daniel Parchmann
komma,tec redaction GmbH

Event Location

MUTEC-Forum, Hall 2

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