Participation and interaction in exhibitions


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Organiser: VerA - Verband für Ausstellungsgestaltung e.V. Selected lectures on "Participation and Interaction in the Exhibitions", moderated by Matthias Kutsch -President VerA. VerA members could apply to present an exhibition project that uses participation or interaction in exhibitions. The following presentations were selected by the VerA board.

Panel discussion

MUTEC-Forum, Hall 2

Language German

  • 0 Days
  • 0 Hours
  • 0 Minutes
  • 0 Seconds


15.30 Participatory media stations in the special exhibition "Arbeit & Migration. Stories from here" Technoseum Mannheim, Katharina Matthies, Matthies Weber & Schnegg

15.45 "Special exhibition: Prototypes - It's worth a try" Deutsches Museum Nürnberg, Sven Klomp -impuls-design

16.00 "Participation in exhibitions: "Dialogue with Time"" Museum of Communication in Frankfurt am Main and in Berlin, René Walkenhorst - ATELIER BRÜCKNER

16.15 "THE WAR AND I: Children of War 1939 - 1945 " Wall exhibition Dagmar von Wilcken F217

16.30 TING. Technology and Democracy - a special participatory exhibition by Ralph Appelbaum Associates in collaboration with Tamschick Media+Space at the Norwegian Museum of Technology in Oslo "Norwegian Museum of Technology in Oslo", Vanessa Offen Ralph Appelbaum Associates 

16.45 "RESET Stadtmuseum Bonn: A new city image for a new city place", Stadtmuseum Bonn Paul Beaury museeon.

17.00 Media Staging in the Archaeological Promenade James Simon Gallery, James Simon Gallery Tom Duncan Duncan McCauley

17.15 Museum Educational Laboratory Exhibition in the Minden City Museum - "Facts, Fictions, Research" Minden City Museum Ulrike Rosemeier GfG / Gruppe für Gestaltung

17.30 Mediation work in memorial sites - participatory thinking & design of exhibitions at historical sites "Dr. Janine Doerry, David Lindemann" "Bergen-Belsen Memorial Site, oblik identity design"

17.45 Participative museum visits through gamified tours "Neanderthalmuseum Mettmann, Europäisches Hansemuseum Lübeck " Thorsten Unger wayside

Event Location

MUTEC-Forum, Hall 2

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