A digital-analogue exit game for Kriebstein Castle


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Short description

One example of how exhibition content can be introduced with great play value is a project with Kriebstein Castle in Saxony. The mediation follows the mechanisms of an exit game:


MUTEC-Forum, Hall 2

Language German

  • 0 Days
  • 0 Hours
  • 0 Minutes
  • 0 Seconds


Equipped with a mobile device, the visitors have to find their way through the castle complex. And be careful not to run into the castle guard. They can only succeed if they solve various tasks, talk to the right protagonists and know how to use - sometimes hidden - clues logically.

A playful interaction takes place in the analogue and digital interplay:

In the digital space, they conduct dialogues with different castle inhabitants.

At numerous points there are analogue "hands-on" elements and tasks that can only be completed with physical activity. The solutions are not only hidden on the mobile device, but also in drawers, fireplaces or in the secret control room of the guards. And sometimes the next clue is only found in a mirror image or by looking out of the castle window.

Here, a new narrative space opens up that makes it possible to experience the castle - as an exhibition site - in a different way. The intersection of analogue and digital space paired with elements of storytelling and gamification creates a hybrid format that literally draws visitors into the history of the place.


Jörg Engster
die InformationsGesellschaft
Alexander Hänel
Burg Kriebstein
Barbara Falkner
Raumsektor GmbH

Event Location

MUTEC-Forum, Hall 2

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