7 - 8 November 2024 MUTEC
picturemaxx Institutions | Successful Media Management for Museums, Archives and Institutions
A product of: picturemaxx AG

Work Easily and Digitally with your Media and Inspire!
Your institution is a place where exciting stories are preserved and created, a place of knowledge transfer and interaction. Your pictures, videos and digital media reflect this. Would you like to archive your content, make it visible, and distribute it securely as part of your communication and marketing? Then picturemaxx offers you the solution you need for your digital strategies. You can archive, present and distribute your media easily and cost-effectively with market leader picturemaxx‘s solutions that have been tried and tested over several decades. Museums, foundations, NGOs, clubs, libraries and archives rely on this solution.

The picturemaxx database system helps you to store your content in an efficient and structured way.
You can get started with presenting your media straight away via the modular website.
Use your website for academic exchange and for your public relations.


Ms. Regine Guckelsberger
picturemaxx AG


picturemaxx AG

Stefan-George-Ring 2
81929 München

Tel.: +49 89 3571470

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