Media partner
For MUTEC 2022, we are working together with the following media partners:

Fundraising Magazin
The Fundraising Magazine is published every two months in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The industry magazine for social marketing, donations, associations and foundations covers everything to do with the financing and marketing of nonprofit organizations. Readers also work in educational and cultural institutions, universities, aid organizations, churches, NPOs and agencies. In 2012, the magazine was awarded the title "Trade Medium of the Year" by the German trade press. Regional Fundraising Days and the International Fundraising Symposium are held regularly for professional exchange.

HIGHLIGHT offers a cross-media platform for communication with the lighting industry, and consists of the trade journal HIGHLIGHT, the associated website and the job board The trade journal is aimed specifically at architects, interior designers, lighting and electrical planners, consultants and planners, both in the specialist trade and the industry. With a high-quality graphic appearance, HIGHLIGHT appeals in particular to the discerning target group of architects, packed full of specific information about lighting magazine is a quarterly special interest magazine for museum professionals and visitors. It is produced in high-quality print and showcases museums at their best. In addition to using the magazine, museum suppliers, planners and service providers also have the option of presenting themselves via the EXPO online trade fair and the printed BRANCHENPRIMUS.