7. - 8. November 2024 MUTEC

Natalia Scornicka

SMARTTECH3D (Archäologin, 3D-Farbscannerin, Spezialistin für Anwendungen in Wissenschaft und Forschung, Produktmanagerin für Asien)


Die Archäologin und Archäologie-Marketing-Spezialistin Natalia Skornicka ist seit 2021 fester Bestandteil des SMARTTECH3D-Teams. Nach Beendigung ihrer archäologischen Laufbahn beschloss sie, ihr Fachwissen zu nutzen, um von der Innovation der 3D-Scantechnologien für Anwendungen in Wissenschaft und Forschung zu profitieren



Raclawicka 30
05-092 Lomianki

Tel.: +48 793 069 259


24.11.2022 13:30 - 14:00 Vortrag

The lecture presents possibilities, that the use of structured light 3D scanners allows in the archaeological field. The subject will be illustrated based on exemplary projects completed with SMARTTECH3D devices- a few of the finished archaeological projects that used 3D scanners as a base tool will be described, to draw the possibilities, which 3D scanners can offer to modern researchers of the past. SMARTTECH3D, as a leader in the color 3D scanning market, creates its devices within the recommendations of the Polish National Institute of Museums and Collections. For many years museums and universities all over the world raise interest to add a modern high-tech tool to archiving, digitalization, touchless research, creating online databases, or popularization. 3D scanner opens many doors for scientists, at the same time securing the safety of artifacts and works of art.

MUTEC-Seminarraum, Halle 2
Natalia Scornicka (SMARTTECH3D)
Sichern & Bewahren | Best Practice | Digitalisierung | Bildung & Vermittlung