7 - 8 November 2024 MUTEC

Thematic block MEDIATION

Easy language is not available at the touch of a button: What is important for comprehensible exhibition texts?

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM Fri 08. Nov

Short description

Länderverband Museumspädagogik OST organizes together with the Büro für Leichte Sprache -Lebenshilfe Sachsen e.V. a keynote speech on the use of easy and simple language in museum mediation


In their lecture ‘Easy language is not available at the touch of a button: What is important for comprehensible exhibition texts’, Anja Dworski and Anne Geißler from the Office for Easy Language -Lebenshilfe Sachsen e.V. will provide tips and strategies for creating comprehensible exhibition texts and highlight the challenges that can arise.


Information about the program

Event Location

MUTEC-Forum, Hall 4