
On the way to the Metaverse of Culture!

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Short description

Join the CEO of Metaseum on a journey into the metaverse. Get introduced to the subject of web3 (NFTs, metaverse and more) and learn what this new technology can mean for your museum, monument or gallery.


Museums all over the world are facing a decrease in visitors due to the pandemic and lack of interest from younger generations. Web 3.0 is the topic of the century and offers the solution. But what is web3? And how do NFTs even work?

The CEO of Metaseum will introduce you to the topic and the metaverse of culture, where visitors can experience your museum, monument or gallery together with other institutions from all over the world in one digital space like never before. Let them dive into the art, walk from the Louvre to the Rijksmuseum in one step while meeting their friends and earn tokens simply by telling others about what they've learnt. Reward loyal visitors and attract new ones with exclusive memberships through NFTs, or get exposure by being located next to the most famous cultural institutions.

Let's make art and history accessible for everyone - see you there!

The audience can expect an easy-to-follow introductory keynote on the topic of NFTs and the metaverse and what this technological development means for the cultural sector.


Martin van Schaik

Event Location

MUTEC seminar room, Hall 2
