7 - 8 November 2024 MUTEC



11/09/2024 MUTEC

Highlights of the Professional Programme: Acute Questions, Creative Solutions, Concrete Recommendations for Action

MUTEC professional programme is based on seven different thematic blocks that cover relevant issues of the museum sector. Sustainability and climate protection, accessibility and inclusion, exhibition design, light, saving and preserving, education and ultimately mediation are the blocks that are MUTEC’s programme. We introduce some of the lectures and speakers.

Sina Herrmann from Deutscher Museumsbund (German Association of Museums) will give practical hints on sustainability and climate protection. Which measures are applicable and which challenges rise simultaneously? Her impulse lecture will be substantiated by presentations of Deutsches Hygiene Museum Dresden (German Museum of Hygiene Dresden) and Jüdisches Museum Berlin (Jewish Museum Berlin). Her practical examples show measures that were taken and concepts that were placed in order to live up to the claim of sustainability.

The lecture “No Money, No Time, No Motivation – Barriers to Accessibility” by Dirk Sorge sheds light on often invisible obstacles that museums and cultural institutions face when applying accessibility and inclusion. Often it is not only the money that is missing. Often it is also about mental barriers and insufficient prioritization. Sorge reports on structural problems that thwart progress but also on creative solutions and targeted measures that come with small successes. The lecture will emphasize that accessibility goes far beyond physical access. It is much more: a basic question of attitude and commitment for inclusion.

Successful mediation of museum content strongly depends on the language being used. The lecture “Easy Language Won’t be Served at the Push of a Button – What is Needed for Comprehensible Texts in Exhibitions” by Anja Dworski and Anne Geißler from the office for easy language of the NGO Lebenshilfe Sachsen (Counselling Centre Saxon) offers hints and strategies for creating comprehensible texts in exhibitions. Furthermore, they will point out the challenges that might appear.

“VERA – Verband für Ausstellungsgestaltung” (VERA – Association for Exhibition Design) speaks about different exhibition projects in a series of lectures, focusing on the representation of change in society and current issues.

Check out the whole professional programme here .

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