7 - 8 November 2024 MUTEC

Why so shy? Donations and circles of friends for culture.

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Fri 08. Nov

Short description

What opportunities do cultural institutions have to obtain financial support and how do you ask for it properly? - Matthias Daberstiel, publisher of Fundraising Magazin and owner of Spendenagentur, explains in his seminar.


Cultural institutions are still very reluctant to ask for support for their good cause. Yet they have the best opportunities and prerequisites. In his lecture, followed by a Q&A session, Matthias Daberstiel will discuss the potential that museums, archives and other cultural institutions have in fundraising. Given the right approach, donations can not only become an important funding component. The development of low-administration circles of friends and integration into the marketing of the organizations will also play a role.

Registration via form is required. The event is free of charge! All persons who register will also receive a voucher for free participation in MUTEC.
Please register here: https://forms.gle/m55xaV4YHfA8k9ESA

Places are limited.


Information about the program

Event Location

Congress Center Leipzig, Lecture Room 11